What to do if your cat accidentally eats egg whites

Cats cannot eat egg white, as this can easily cause diarrhea. However, egg white is not poison. Cats may suffer from diarrhea after eating it, but they may also be fine. Therefore, as long as the cat accidentally eats egg white, the owner does not need to worry as long as it does not show abnormal symptoms. However, it is recommended to feed eggs yolks to cats.

What to do if your cat eats protein

Cats generally cannot eat egg whites because it can easily lead to indigestion and the cat may have diarrhea. However, if it is a cat with a good gastrointestinal condition, it is okay to eat a little protein occasionally.

Owners can feed their cats cooked egg yolks. For cats, the nutritional value of egg yolks is higher than that of egg whites. Egg yolks are rich in lecithin, which is very effective in beautifying their hair.

However, it is not advisable to feed your cat egg yolks every day. Feed it two or three times a week, and one egg each time is enough. Egg white is not poison. As long as the cat does not have diarrhea or other abnormal symptoms after eating it, there is no need to worry.

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