Why can’t cats eat salt?

Cats should not eat too much food with high salt content, because this will cause the cat to lose hair, have a lot of eye feces and severe tear stains, and may even make the cat have a heavy taste and become a picky eater. In serious cases It will cause cats to suffer from various skin diseases and affect their health.

Why cats can’t eat salt

If a cat eats too much salt, the salt content in the cat’s body will exceed the standard. Excessive salt will aggravate the malnutrition of the cat’s skin glands, causing the cat’s hair to fall out, resulting in large-scale hair loss.

Cats eat too salty food and the salt cannot be excreted. The excess salt left in the body can only be excreted through the tongue and eye glands. Over time, eye secretions will accumulate around the cat’s eyes, resulting in excessive eye droppings and special Heavy tear stains. 

If you feed your cat very salty food for a long time, the cat will develop a picky eater over time and will no longer like to eat bland food, but will only eat food with strong taste. If you develop such eating habits, it will affect the health of your cat and may also induce skin diseases.

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