What can’t dogs eat?

There are many things that dogs cannot eat. For example, dogs eating chocolate can be fatal, dogs eating grapes can cause acute renal failure, dogs eating onions are prone to hemolysis, and macadamia nuts can cause poisoning symptoms in dogs. . In addition, do not feed milk to dogs. Milk will irritate the dog’s gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea.

What dogs can’t eat

After a dog eats chocolate, theobromine will accumulate in the body. When it reaches a toxic amount, it will damage the dog’s nervous system and cause the dog’s death. Dogs may develop symptoms of acute renal failure after eating grapes. These symptoms usually appear in about 24 to 72 hours. If the dog is not taken to the doctor in time, it will be fatal.

Onions will oxidize the dog’s blood, causing the destruction of red blood cells, causing hemolysis and death of the dog. Although milk is not poisonous to dogs, it can cause diarrhea in dogs because the ingredients of milk and dog milk are almost opposite. The dog’s intestines and stomach cannot absorb the nutrients of milk, but will irritate the intestines and stomach and cause abdominal pain. Symptoms of diarrhea.

Macadamia nuts must not be given to dogs. Eating too much can cause poisoning in dogs. The more obvious symptoms of poisoning include trembling, vomiting and weakness. In addition, macadamia nuts can also destroy the dog’s ability to regulate its own body temperature, causing the dog to continue to have a fever.

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