Fruits that dogs must not eat

Dogs must not eat apricots. The large amounts of stomach acid in apricots can damage their teeth. Owners should also not feed their dogs prunes, because the acidic substances in the plums will damage their intestines, and the plum cores will also block the dog’s trachea, causing shock. Dogs should also never eat grapes, as the sugar in them can cause kidney failure.

Fruits that dogs can’t eat

Dogs must not eat too many plums. The acidic substances in plums will damage the dog’s intestines. When the intestinal cells are in a necrotic state, the dog will show signs of vomiting and diarrhea.

Apricots cannot be eaten by dogs. Eating apricots will cause excessive gastric acid secretion in dogs, reduce appetite, and make them prone to acid reflux and drooling. Excessive acidic substances will damage teeth and cause tooth deformation.

Dogs must also not eat grapes. Grapes contain high sugar content. Dogs are easily allergic to sugar substances. If they are not treated promptly after eating, it will cause poisoning symptoms in dogs and serious renal failure within two days. Failure can endanger the dog’s life.

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