Can dogs eat leftovers?

Can dogs eat leftovers? This issue is highly controversial. This involves the health of dogs and deserves our in-depth exploration. This article analyzes and answers this question from a professional perspective.

Can dogs eat leftovers?

First of all, we need to understand one thing: the dog’s digestive system is very different from the human digestive system. Dogs’ digestive tracts are shorter and their gastric acid decomposition ability is stronger than that of humans. Their digestion ability or compatibility with certain foods may be different from ours.

Human leftovers usually include leftover rice, meat, vegetables, etc., and also contain a lot of seasonings, such as salt, sugar, MSG, etc. These foods may seem normal to us, but for dogs, there may be some hidden risks.

The first is salt. Dogs’ tolerance for salt is much lower than that of humans. Excessive salt can cause dehydration in dogs, and in severe cases, it may lead to poisoning. Then there is sugar. A large amount of sugar will also have an impact on the health of dogs, which may lead to obesity , diabetes and other problems. Then there is MSG, which is also a harmful substance for dogs and can easily put a greater burden on their kidneys.

Secondly, there may be some food in the leftovers that dogs cannot eat, such as onions, garlic, etc. These foods contain substances called sulfates, which are toxic to dogs. Therefore, if leftovers contain these foods, they must not be given to dogs.

Plus, the leftovers may have started to go bad. Even when stored in the refrigerator, food will slowly deteriorate, especially in the summer when the weather is hot. The gastrointestinal tract of dogs is more sensitive than that of humans. Even if the food is slightly spoiled, dogs may have problems after eating, such as diarrhea and vomiting.

To sum up, it is not that dogs cannot eat leftovers, but some leftovers are not suitable for dogs, such as food with strong flavors and food that is harmful to dogs. If the food is suitable and does not contain a lot of salt or other seasonings, it is appropriate to give your dog some leftovers.

Most native dogs in rural areas are fed meals by their owners, but the physical quality of native dogs is relatively good, while the physical quality of pet dogs is relatively poor. Therefore, if you are feeding your pet dog, it is recommended to choose dog food. If your pet dog becomes ill after eating leftovers, it is best to avoid giving them leftovers in the future. If conditions permit, try to buy high-quality dog ​​food to feed your dog. Dog food is made according to the nutritional needs of dogs and can provide them with sufficient nutrition. Feeding dog food is beneficial to their health.

Dogs are our humans’ best friends and bring joy to many families. I believe that every pet owner does not want their pet to have problems, so for the health of their pet, pet owners must pay attention to providing a healthier and more suitable diet for their pet, so that their pets can live a long and healthy life and stay with each other for a longer time. .

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