Can dogs eat almonds?

It is generally recommended not to feed almonds to dogs, although it is okay for dogs to eat one or two almonds, and almonds are also rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and other nutrients, which can supplement nutrition for dogs. However, if your dog eats too many almonds, it may cause poisoning reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, and convulsions. In addition, the fat content of almonds is relatively high. Eating too much may also cause obesity in dogs, causing problems such as hyperlipidemia and fatty liver. Therefore, it is recommended that pet owners do not feed almonds or other nuts to their dogs. If their dogs have adverse reactions after eating almonds, they also need to go to a pet hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time.

In the current environment with fewer and fewer social activities and more and more social fears, raising a dog can bring us a lot of fun, but for novice pet owners, the problem of dog diet is confusing. Confused, there are different opinions on the Internet about which foods dogs can eat and which foods they cannot eat? Today, we will use the theme “Can dogs eat almonds?” to reveal the truth about pet diet.

1. Can dogs eat almonds?

First, let’s learn about almonds. Almonds, also known as apricots and muluozi, are a nutritious food. It is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals and is very beneficial to human health.

So, can dogs eat almonds? The answer is yes, but you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Eat in moderation: Dogs can eat 1-2 almonds, but not too many at one time. Because some varieties of almonds may contain a small amount of cyanide, dogs have a poor ability to metabolize cyanide. After eating almonds, they may experience poisoning reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, convulsions, listlessness, and weakness. In addition, the fat content of almonds is relatively high. Eating too much may also cause obesity in dogs , causing problems such as hyperlipidemia and fatty liver.

2. Pay attention to the type of almonds: When giving almonds to dogs, be careful to choose original almonds. Do not give them almonds that contain a lot of salt, sugar or other seasonings and additives, so as not to increase the metabolic burden on the dog.

3. Avoid eating almond shells: Almond shells are very hard and can cause indigestion and intestinal blockage in dogs. Therefore, when giving almonds to dogs, you must first remove the almond shells.

4. Consider the individual differences of dogs: Due to individual differences, some dogs may be allergic to almonds. If the dog has not eaten almonds before, you need to closely observe the dog’s reaction after the first feeding. If there is any abnormality, stop feeding immediately. .

2. What other foods can dogs eat?

In addition to almonds, the following foods are very beneficial to your dog’s health:

1. Fruits: Such as apples, bananas, pears, etc. These fruits are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber and can be fed to dogs in appropriate amounts. It should be noted that the core, peel and stem parts of fruits should not be fed to dogs to avoid causing indigestion.

2. Vegetables: Carrots, pumpkins, broccoli and other vegetables are rich in fiber and trace elements, which can promote gastrointestinal digestion and improve immunity of dogs.

3. Fish: Fish is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which has a good maintenance effect on the dog’s skin and hair. However, you need to avoid feeding fish that contains bones and spines to avoid punctures in your dog’s mouth and digestive tract.

4. Chicken: Chicken is rich in protein and is a nutritious and easy-to-digest meat. Pet owners can tear the cooked chicken breast into shreds and feed it to their dogs, or they can cook the chicken with vegetables, rice, eggs and other ingredients. Make delicious dog food.

In short, the dog’s diet should be based on the principle of nutritional balance, and the owner needs to reasonably match the food according to the dog’s age, weight, health status and activity level. At the same time, you should pay close attention to the dog’s reaction after eating new food. If there are any abnormalities, you need to adjust the diet in time. If the situation is serious, you should go to the pet hospital for examination in time.

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