Why does my dog ​​suddenly stop eating?

A dog’s sudden refusal to eat may be caused by physiological anorexia or pathological reasons. The owner needs to observe the dog’s mental state and feces condition to comprehensively determine the reason why the dog is not eating. If your dog does not eat for more than 2 days, he should go to the pet hospital for examination in time.

1. Reasons why dogs don’t eat

1. If the dog is just unwilling to eat dog food, but has a good appetite for other foods, it means that it probably eats too many snacks and is a bit picky. Pet owners should promptly correct the dog’s picky eating habits and avoid eating for a long time. Snacks lead to unbalanced nutrition and excessive obesity in dogs.

2. If the dog is lying on the ground motionless and not eating, it is recommended to check whether the dog has symptoms such as runny nose or fever. When the dog is sick and sick with a cold, it will directly affect the appetite and requires timely treatment.

3. If your dog usually has a very good appetite, but inexplicably stops eating, it is most likely caused by parasites. Pet owners need to observe whether the dog has symptoms such as messy coat, weight loss, worms in the feces, blood, etc.

4. Female dogs may also experience symptoms of decreased appetite when they are in estrus, which usually resolves in a few days.

5. When the weather is particularly hot, the dog’s intestinal peristalsis is slower, the appetite decreases, and the dog will not eat. The owner should pay attention to the mental state of the dog to avoid heat stroke.

6. Gastrointestinal diseases, canine distemper , canine parvovirus, coronavirus infection and other major diseases may cause the dog to have a loss of appetite and eat less and less. If the dog is found to be vomiting in addition to not eating. , diarrhea, blood in the stool, lethargy, elevated body temperature and other symptoms, you need to go to the pet hospital for examination in time.

2. What should I do if my dog ​​doesn’t eat?

1. You can first give your dog some probiotics to regulate the gastrointestinal tract and promote intestinal peristalsis. You can also mix some old yogurt, honey, etc. in the water and give it to your dog to help speed up digestion and restore appetite.

2. The daily diet can be richer, with some meat, vegetables and fruits. Do not feed the dog a single dog food for a long time to avoid causing anorexia in the dog; but do not feed snacks frequently to prevent the dog from being picky eaters.

3. Some large dogs need a lot of exercise every day. Staying at home for a long time will cause the dog to feel depressed and not eat. Therefore, pet owners need to appropriately increase the amount of exercise for their dogs, and take their dogs out to run and play. If they cannot go out, they can also use some toys to play games with their dogs at home, which can also achieve the effect of exercise.

The above are the common reasons and solutions for dogs not eating. If you are not sure about the specific reasons for your dog’s loss of appetite, you can consult an online pet doctor at any time. If your dog’s symptoms are urgent, it is recommended to send them to a pet hospital for treatment in time. .

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