Why is my dog ​​not eating but everything else is normal?

What’s going on if my dog ​​doesn’t eat but has any other symptoms? Dogs that do not eat for a long time can easily lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition, etc. Therefore, it is important to find the reasons in time to help the dog improve its appetite. Next show you the common reasons why dogs don’t eat.

1. Dogs are picky eaters

Many owners often feed their dogs various snacks. Over time, the dogs will develop picky eating habits and refuse to eat dog food normally. The main problem in this situation lies with the pet owners. It is recommended to gradually reduce the types and intake of snacks. Add enough to slowly improve your dog’s picky eating habits.

In addition, although some dogs are not picky eaters, they will get tired of eating a single dog food for a long time, so they may rather go hungry than eat dog food. At this time, the pet owner can change the dog food to other flavors of dog food, and appropriately add some meat and vegetable supplementary food to increase the dog’s appetite while ensuring a more balanced nutrition.

2. Dogs have poor digestion

Sometimes dogs eat too much at once, or have poor gastrointestinal conditions, and are prone to symptoms of indigestion. Although there are no symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, dogs may have bloating, stomach pain, intestinal dysfunction, etc., but The owner doesn’t know.

In this case, you can feed your dog some pet probiotics to regulate gastrointestinal function and promote intestinal peristalsis. Be careful not to feed your dog some foods that are difficult to digest, such as too much meat, bones and a lot of crude fiber. Food etc.

3. Insufficient exercise

If a dog does not exercise enough, has a slow metabolism, and has poor gastrointestinal digestion and peristalsis ability, his food intake will gradually decrease, and he may occasionally skip meals for one or two meals.

In order to ensure the physical and mental health of the dog, the owner should take the dog out for walks and play 1-2 times a day, and each time should be more than 20 minutes. Dogs will naturally feel hungry after exercising and then have an appetite to eat~

4. The dog is in heat

When a dog is in heat, the secretion of hormones in the body suddenly increases, the attention shifts, and the dog is no longer interested in food, so he will suffer from a loss of appetite.

At this time, dogs often still have symptoms such as being restless, easily angry, and urinating everywhere. Generally, after the pre-estrus period, the dog’s appetite will return to normal. If it is a female dog and the pet owner has no plans to breed the dog, in order to reduce the incidence of pyometra, uterine cysts and other diseases, it is recommended to take the female dog to a pet hospital for sterilization in time.

Many diseases may cause dogs to lose their appetite and stop eating in the early stages. Owners need to closely observe the dog’s mental state, feces, urine, activity level, sleep status, etc. If the dog is found to have other abnormalities, it needs to be sent to the pet hospital for examination in time. Only after the cause of the disease is determined can targeted treatment be given.

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