What can increase appetite if a dog has a bad appetite?

In fact, dogs, like us humans, do not have a good appetite every day, and occasionally have a loss of appetite. So what is the cause of a dog’s loss of appetite? In fact, there are many reasons for dogs’ loss of appetite. Some are due to physical reasons, and some are external factors. Therefore, if your dog has this situation, it is best to observe it.

1. Reasons why dogs have poor appetite

There are many reasons for a dog’s poor appetite . It may be due to a problem with the dog’s food. The dog is always fed a single feed, or the feed has an odor that is not fresh, or even contains a pungent odor, is too salty, or is too sweet. Feed or food is also one of the reasons for dogs’ loss of appetite; dogs are picky eaters, and some dogs don’t eat, it may be because they are picky eaters; eating too much means dogs eat too much for a period of time , can also cause a sudden loss of appetite in dogs; eating indigestible food will cause a heavy burden on the dog’s stomach due to the accumulation of indigestible things in the stomach, causing a loss of appetite; gastrointestinal problems, generally if Gastrointestinal problems can also cause a dog to have a poor appetite, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. If the place is not adapted to the environment, the dog may have a poor appetite because he cannot adapt to the environment.

2. Methods to treat dogs’ loss of appetite

If there is a problem with the dog food, the dog owner should change it in time and replace it with some lighter, healthier and nutritious dog food. Bernard Tianchun dog food is recommended. If it is because of picky eating, then the dog owner can properly see if it can be corrected, or give the dog some easy-to-digest food according to the balanced mix that the dog likes, so that it will not cause the dog to suffer from indigestion. Food causes loss of appetite. If it is a gastrointestinal problem, you can give the dog some probiotics to regulate the gastrointestinal tract. If the dog is not used to the new environment, just let the dog get used to it first.

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