How to feed Ragdoll cats

Ragdoll cats are long-haired cats with a relatively docile personality. The diet must ensure adequate nutrition, especially in childhood. It is recommended to feed mainly cat food. Cat food is best purchased at a pet hospital or pet store. While feeding cat food, you can also feed nutritional paste and goat milk powder. Among them, goat milk powder Milk powder needs to be rinsed with warm water and can also be fed with cat food. In addition, growing cats need trace elements, calcium, fatty acids, etc.

Ragdoll cats that are several months old are still in the growth and development stage. The owner must supplement the cat with sufficient nutrition. You can drink some goat milk powder, milk cake cat food , etc. to help the cat grow quickly. You can also feed some chicken, canned food, apples, etc. into small pieces and then feed them to the Ragdoll cat to ensure a comprehensive and balanced nutritional intake. When feeding, you should eat small meals frequently, three to four times a day, do not let the kitten eat to full, and the belly should be slightly bulging. Ragdolls that are several months old do not have very strong resistance. Try not to take cats outdoors. The owner should do a good job of keeping warm and prepare a warm and comfortable nest for the Ragdoll cats. When the kittens are sleeping, they should keep quiet and not disturb them. There is no need to bathe the cat. The cat is relatively young at this time, and it is easy to catch cold and get sick when bathing, and the cat’s body is also very clean. When it is a little older, you can usually bathe the cat after 5 months . In addition, the owner should deworm the cat in time and vaccinate the Ragdoll cat.


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