Are Ragdoll cats afraid of the cold? What should Ragdoll cats feed?

First of all, Ragdoll cats are afraid of the cold.

Secondly, Ragdoll cats are long-haired cats, but their constitution is weak, so they are more afraid of the cold.

Finally, Ragdoll cats are large cats and have a large demand for food. They also need more protein and fat to provide heat and keep warm and cold. Therefore, owners need to feed Ragdoll cats more nutritious and balanced natural food and pure canned meat to ensure that they have enough fat to withstand the cold.

Are Ragdoll cats afraid of the cold in winter?

Although Ragdoll cats are long-haired cats, they are also afraid of the cold if the temperature is too low in winter. Generally speaking, Ragdoll cats will feel cold when the outdoor temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. At this time, it is recommended that the owner keep the Ragdoll cat warm in time to prevent colds.

Are Ragdoll cats afraid of the cold in winter?

Although Ragdoll cats are long-haired cats, they are also afraid of the cold if the temperature is too low in winter. Generally speaking, Ragdoll cats will feel cold when the outdoor temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. At this time, it is recommended that the owner keep the Ragdoll cat warm in time to prevent colds.

Ragdoll cats are afraid of the cold. Although they are protected by fur, if the temperature is too low, Ragdoll cats will still be afraid of the cold. Measures must be taken to keep warm and cold-proof; especially young cats, which cannot adapt to the temperature in winter, can easily If the mother cat dies, it is best if the mother cat is around. Just help the mother cat and kittens add enough warm items; if the mother cat is not around, it is best to turn on the air conditioner and control the ambient temperature to a warm level to avoid the kittens. Death from excessive cold. But there’s no need to worry too much. Cats ’ cold resistance is not as fragile as we think.


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