Pomeranian life span

The lifespan of a Pomeranian is about 10-16 years.

First, good care can extend the life of a Pomeranian, such as regular vaccinations, deworming, etc. Otherwise, it will shorten the life of the dog ;

Second, the lifespan of a Pomeranian is also affected by the environment and genetics. Pomeranians whose parents have long lifespans will generally have a longer lifespan. Pomeranians who live in a warm and comfortable environment will also have a longer lifespan than Pomeranians whose living environment is not good. .

The average life span of a Pomeranian is about 12 to 16 years. If the owner takes good care of it, the life span of the Pomeranian can be extended to about 20 years. For Pomeranians, the number of deaths from old age is relatively small, mainly due to diseases. It is recommended that Pomeranians be injected 3 months after birth.

The first vaccine, then three consecutive injections, and rabies vaccine are also required to enhance the Pomeranian’s immunity. When Pomeranians get older, they should pay attention to regular physical examinations every year.

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