How many years does a British Shorthair cat live?

The lifespan of a British Shorthair cat is generally 10 to 15 years, but this will also have a lot to do with its nutritional level, feeding conditions and whether it is sick. If the cat is not properly raised and managed or suffers from serious diseases, the life span of the cat will be seriously shortened. Therefore, owners should provide their cats with a balanced nutritional diet and conduct regular medical examinations at any time. This may extend the cat ‘s life.

The average lifespan of a British Shorthair cat is about 12 to 15 years, and its lifespan is mainly related to its living environment and daily diet, so pay attention to scientific feeding.

British Shorthair cats are relatively easy to raise. They should eat cat food as their main food, and appropriately mix it with canned food, nutritional paste, freeze-dried food and other foods. This can provide it with rich nutrition, but it is best not to feed it high salt content. food.

British Shorthair cats are in good health. As long as they are vaccinated and dewormed regularly and the surrounding environment is kept clean, they generally will not get sick. However, they gain weight easily and their weight needs to be properly controlled.

The average lifespan of an English Shorthair is 13 to 16 years, which is mainly affected by the breeding environment and the British Shorthair’s physique. You should supplement your British Shorthair with more nutrients and ensure a clean living environment to prevent the British Shorthair from being infected by germs. Secondly, the puppy should be vaccinated regularly to prevent diseases, so that the puppy can live longer.


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