Does the orange cat have a fierce personality?

The orange cat’s fierce personality also needs to be determined by the person, and then the specific solution will be based on the person the orange cat is fierce to. If it is aggressive towards its companions, try not to take the orange cat to places where there are companions, and do not force the orange cat to play with its companions.

Generally speaking, orange cats are very fond of their owners and are dependent on their owners. However, if an orange cat is cruel to its owner, it means that the orange cat does not trust its owner very much. The owner can feed the orange cat with his own hands and interact with the orange cat more to build a relationship.

If an orange cat suddenly becomes aggressive, it may be because the orange cat is in estrus or lactating, or is dissatisfied with the food he is feeding. Be careful not to feed the orange cat food or fruits that are easy to cause internal heat. Take the orange cat more exercise to vent its energy.

Is the orange cat a native cat?

Orange cats are indeed native cats , that is, Chinese pastoral cats. Moreover, fat orange does not refer to the breed of cat. Any cat with orange color can be called orange cat, and their standard name is yellow civet cat. The color of the orange cat is not a solid color. It has four patterns, and there is a unique phenomenon. In the orange cat family, male cats are usually the majority. Although they can eat but do not like to move and get fat easily, they also live longer than other cats. .

Is the orange cat a native cat?

1. Orange cats are not Chinese pastoral cats.

2. Orange cats generally refer to cats with orange hair. All orange cats can be called orange cats. It is only related to the coat color and has nothing to do with the breed. Huanglihua is a kind of civet cat, also known as orange cat. , and Huanglihua belongs to the Chinese Garden Cat. There are also varieties of cats that are orange and can also be called orange cats, but they do not belong to the Chinese Garden Cat.

Chinese garden cats are a general term for Chinese native cats. Chinese garden cats include civet cats, white cats, black and white cats , Shandong lion cats, etc. Among them, civet cats are the more common ones. Orange cats are very easy to gain weight, and they can gain weight of more than 10 pounds by eating whatever they want. Moreover, most Chinese garden cats are very good at catching mice.

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