Food that your dog would rather be hungry than eat

Dogs are animals that love to eat. No matter what they see, they want to put it into their mouths and taste it. Some foods are healthy for dogs, but some foods are very harmful to dogs.

Five foods that are harmful to dogs:

1. Chocolate products

Everyone knows that chocolate is “poison” to dogs. This is because chocolate contains substances such as caffeine and theobromine. Humans can excrete these substances through their own metabolic activities, but dogs do not have this ability.

When a dog eats chocolate by mistake, it may cause severe vomiting, general convulsions, and even heart failure or nerve damage. For some puppies or small breeds, about 120 grams of chocolate may cause death, so poop collectors must not let dogs eat any chocolate products!

2. Onions and garlic

Both onions and garlic contain a substance that is harmful to dogs – n-propyl disulfide. This substance can oxidize the hemoglobin in the dog’s red blood cells, destroy the red blood cells, and cause the dog to suffer from hemolytic anemia symptoms: loss of appetite and vomiting. Diarrhea, severe cases can also cause urine to be light red or brownish red (due to destroyed hemoglobin).

However, eating a small amount is generally not too dangerous. If the dog accidentally eats a small piece, the poop collector does not need to be too panicked.

3. Alcoholic beverages

Some poop pickers feed their dogs alcoholic drinks out of fun, but this is very wrong!

No drinks containing alcohol can be given to dogs. Alcohol will first excite and then inhibit the dog’s central nervous system, which can lead to vomiting , agitation, frequent urination, and abnormal behavior. If the dog consumes excessive alcohol, Dogs may even experience coma, difficulty breathing, and depressed heartbeat.

4. Grape products

Many poop collectors will feed their dogs some when eating fruits, but be careful not to feed grapes to your dogs!

Grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs . Although there is currently no clear explanation why grapes cause kidney failure in dogs, it is only known that certain components in grapes cannot be excreted by the kidneys of dogs, and raisins are more toxic than grapes. .

After consumption, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Twelve hours later, renal toxicity will occur, and it will accumulate for a long time, leading to serious kidney failure.

5. Cat food

Many poop pickers have both dogs and cats at home. The dogs often finish their own food and then ask for the cats’ rations. This is actually dangerous.

Because cat food and dog food contain different nutrients, cat food is rich in protein and fat, which is difficult for dogs to digest and absorb. Therefore, dogs eating too much cat food will not only cause gastrointestinal discomfort and disease, but also It will also affect the dog’s normal digestion and lead to poor physical fitness.

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