How much water should dogs drink every day?

It is difficult to determine exactly how much water a dog needs to drink every day, because the food the dog eats contains a certain amount of water, and the amount of water the dog drinks is related to its own metabolism. It is recommended that owners keep a constant supply of water at home. Bowl of clean water for dogs to drink at any time. 

1. How much water do dogs need to drink every day?

Under normal circumstances, the daily water content that adult dogs need to supplement is 80~120ml per kilogram of body weight; the daily water content that puppies need is 140~170ml per kilogram of body weight, but it depends on the season, the amount of water in drinking water, and their own metabolism. As the situation changes, the specific amount of water the dog needs to drink will also change, so it is generally difficult to judge how much water the dog needs to drink every day. But dogs don’t like drinking water like cats. Owners just need to prepare clean drinking water for their dogs every day to ensure that their dogs have water to drink when they are thirsty. However, there are also some small dogs that rarely drink water actively. For these dogs, owners can usually observe the amount, color and smell of their urine. If the dog’s urine is small in volume, dark yellow in color, and has a strong smell, This shows that the dog does not drink enough water and should be properly supplemented with some water.

2. What kind of water can dogs drink?

It is generally recommended that dogs drink plain water, mineral water, purified water, tap water, etc. that have been boiled and then cooled. It is okay for dogs to drink it a few times occasionally, but eating and drinking it regularly will seriously endanger their health. Mineral water contains a certain amount of minerals, and proper supplementation is beneficial to the health of dogs. However, if dogs consume too many minerals, it will burden the kidneys and cause problems such as urinary tract stones. Therefore, boiled water that has been boiled and then cooled is the most suitable for dogs to drink. However, it is worth noting that if boiled water is left for too long, harmful microorganisms in the water will also increase. Therefore, owners should change the water in the dog’s water bowl every day and clean the water bowl to ensure that the dog’s drinking water is clean.

3. How to guide dogs to drink more water

If the dog does not like to drink water and takes the initiative to drink less water, the owner must find a way to supplement the dog’s lack of water. The master can do this:

1. Prepare unique drinks

If the dog does not like to drink water, the owner can add a small amount of canned dog food, meat bones or broth to the dog’s drinking water according to the dog’s taste to make the dog’s drinking water taste meaty, which can generally attract the dog to drink water. . However, such drinking water cannot be stored for a long time. Try to let the dog drink it all at once to prevent the drinking water from deteriorating and causing harm to the dog if it continues to drink.

2. Feed homemade dog rice

If the dog really doesn’t like to drink water, if someone has time, they can make more homemade dog rice and add more soup to the dog’s food. In addition, you can also feed it appropriate amounts of fruits and vegetables.

3. Increase the amount of exercise for dogs

Allowing dogs to do moderate exercise every day will help enhance their physical fitness. Dogs that feel thirsty after exercise will usually take the initiative to drink water, thus achieving the purpose of drinking more water.

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