How to train a little mini pigs

When training a baby pig, you can use the food lure method. Before training, the baby pig needs to be familiar with the surrounding environment. First, it must learn to use the toilet. When the baby pig wants to defecate, it should be carried to the designated place immediately. Repeat it a few times and you’ll be fine. When learning other skills, it must be repeated continuously. After the piglet completes the training, a certain food reward must be given.

How to train little mini pigs

It is best to use food to lure the little fragrant pigs into training. For the little fragrant pigs that have just been brought home, the training can only begin after the little fragrant pigs are familiar with the environment. Be patient during the training.

The most difficult thing is when the little pig goes to the toilet. You just need to pay attention and observe. When you find the little pig making movements to go to the toilet, carry it to the designated place to defecate. Repeat it several times and you can usually remember it.

When training other skills of the little fragrant pig, you need to constantly repeat the training actions and reward the little fragrant pig with food after completion. This will slowly form a habitual reflex. The little fragrant pig can learn very quickly even if its IQ is not low.

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