The causes and treatments of Persian cats’ bad mouth

Persian cats are very popular pet cats, but many Persian cat owners will encounter a problem, that is, their mouths will have bad smells, which will not only affect the breath of Persian cats, but also affect the intimacy between the owner and the Persian cat. So, what is the reason for Persian cats’ bad mouths and how to deal with it? The following are three answers.

1. Oral diseases of Persian cats

Oral diseases of Persian cats are one of the main causes of bad mouth. Oral diseases include gingivitis, periodontitis, oral ulcers, etc. These diseases can cause bacteria to grow in the mouth and produce bad odor. Therefore, if you find that your Persian cat has bad mouth, you should first check its oral health. If you have any doubts, you should seek medical attention in time.

2. Persian cat diet problem

The diet of Persian cats is also one of the reasons for bad breath. If the food eaten by Persian cats is unclean or expired, it will cause bad breath. In addition, if Persian cats eat meat for a long time, it is also easy to cause bad breath. Therefore, Persian cat owners should provide Persian cats with clean and fresh food, and add some vegetables and fruits appropriately to keep its breath fresh.

3. Persian cats have poor oral hygiene

The oral hygiene of Persian cats is also one of the causes of bad breath. If Persian cats do not brush their teeth or clean their mouths for a long time, bacteria will easily grow and cause bad breath. Therefore, Persian cat owners should brush their cats’ teeth regularly or use professional oral cleaners to clean them to keep their mouths clean.


1. Persian cat owners should provide Persian cats with clean and fresh food, and add vegetables and fruits appropriately.

2. Persian cat owners should check the oral health of their cats regularly, and seek medical attention in time if any abnormalities are found.

3. Persian cat owners should brush their cats’ teeth regularly or use professional oral cleaners to keep their oral cavity clean and hygienic.

To sum up, there are many reasons why Persian cats have bad mouths, but as long as you pay attention to oral health, dietary hygiene and oral hygiene, you can effectively avoid this problem.

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