What breeds of mini pigs are there?

Speaking of mini pigs, also known as “pocket pigs”, do you know what varieties of pocket pigs there are around the world?


Dwarf pig

Dwarf pigs are very small pigs, weighing about 20-40 kilograms, and their overall appearance is short, fat, and round. Among the dwarf pig breeds, the most common ones are Vietnamese pigs and Malayan pigs. Both species live in subtropical areas, are highly adaptable to climate, and can survive in thin environments.

Vietnamese pigs are a very ancient breed. After years of domestication and improvement, they have now become a kind of pet pig that is very suitable for living in a family breeding environment. Due to their small size and delicious meat, Vietnamese pigs have become one of the feast delicacies in many countries.


Mini pigs

Mini pig is a new type of pet pig that has emerged in recent years and originated in the United States. Mini pigs are very small and cute, and generally weigh around 70-100 kilograms in adulthood. Unlike traditional pigs, mini pigs have more compact fat tissue, less muscle and a smaller bone structure.

Mini pigs are a type of pet pig that is very suitable for domestic use and is becoming more and more popular in places such as North America and Europe. Not only can it become a close companion between humans and animals, but it can also provide their owners with great fun and some extra income.


Swiss Guinea Pig

The Swiss guinea pig is a well-known miniature pig breed with a small, sturdy body and black coat. The reason why this kind of pig is called “guinea pig” is because their meat is very tender, as smooth and delicate as pearls.

Swiss guinea pig originated in the Swiss Alps and is a rare breed. In the past, people often kept them at home as pet pigs. As people’s needs change, Swiss guinea pig has now become a rare gourmet pig, recognized and loved by more and more people.


Thai Elephant Pig

The Thai Elephant Pig is a small pig breed that originated from the puppet country of the Pami tribe in northern Thailand. It has a small body, short and thick legs, a wide and fat body, and a maximum weight of less than 100 kilograms. This kind of pig is one of the important economic resources for the local people, and pork was once the main source of food for Thai people.

In recent years, due to the excellent quality of Thai elephant pigs, the inheritance of the traditional Yao roast pig culture and its rich nutrition and unique taste, Thai elephant pigs have become very popular in China and other places and have become a very popular food. One of the pet pig breeds.

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