What does a female dog eat to produce milk?

After the bitch gives birth, the pet owner can feed the bitch an appropriate amount of glucose water, goat milk powder for pets, crucian carp soup, canned dog and other foods to help the bitch produce milk.

How to adjust a bitch’s diet after giving birth

The bitch bleeds a lot during the birth process and consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. The owner should pay attention to supplementing the bitch with sufficient nutrition and calcium to help the bitch recover its physical strength and increase the bitch’s milk production. For this reason, the owner can feed the bitch with foods with high protein content such as goat milk powder, crucian carp soup, canned dog, bone soup, etc. These foods can not only supplement the bitch’s nutrition, but also help her produce milk. The dietary adjustments for postpartum bitches are as follows:

1. Focus on calcium supplementation

During the lactation period of the female dog, the pet owner should supplement it with more calcium, because the female dog will lose a large amount of calcium during the birth process, and the lack of calcium in the female dog will lead to the inability to synthesize milk, resulting in insufficient milk production. Bone soup, dried shrimps, kelp, goat’s milk, crucian carp soup, canned dog and other foods are rich in nutrients and calcium. These foods can be fed to the female dog during the lactation period. In addition, pet owners can also appropriately feed the female dog some pet calcium tablets or liquid calcium to maintain its normal calcium needs.

2. Enrich dietary structure

The pet owner should feed the postpartum bitch in small amounts and frequently, and should use easy-to-digest food. Especially when the bitch has just given birth, it is best for the owner to feed the bitch liquid food, such as goat milk, broth, crucian carp soup, bone soup, etc. After the female dog’s body continues to recover, she can then feed her with food rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Or pet owners can also feed them with dog food specially designed for nursing female dogs. Pet owners should pay attention to a reasonable combination of the bitch’s food to ensure that the diet is reasonable and meets the bitch’s nutritional needs. During the lactation period of the bitch, the owner should be careful not to feed the dog pig liver, so as not to reduce the bitch’s milk supply. If the number of litters is large and the milk secreted by the mother dog is not enough to feed all the puppies, goat milk powder can be used to supplement it.

3. Supplement appropriate amount of probiotics

After giving birth, female dogs spend too much physical energy and spend most of their time lying still. They are prone to gastrointestinal problems such as food accumulation or constipation. Therefore, in order to avoid this, owners can supplement the female dog with an appropriate amount of pet probiotics to promote gastrointestinal motility. , to help female dogs defecate smoothly. If a female dog has food accumulation, she can stop feeding for half a day, and then supplement her with an appropriate amount of digestive enzymes to alleviate the food accumulation. In addition, in order to promote gastrointestinal motility, pet owners can also appropriately massage the female dog’s abdomen.

In addition, in order for the bitch to have milk smoothly, the owner can also perform mammary gland massage for the bitch to stimulate the mammary glands to secrete milk and help with lactation. 

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