What harm will a dog’s calcium deficiency cause to the body

Calcium deficiency in dogs has a great impact on physical health, such as affecting the normal development of bones, etc. Therefore, when raising dogs, breeders must pay attention to supplementing them with adequate nutrients, including calcium. The following article will help you understand the dangers and prevention measures of hypoxia in dogs.

1. The dangers of hypoxia in dogs

1. Bone problems: Calcium deficiency during the growth stage of dogs is likely to cause abnormal bone development, lead to bone softening, make the bones fragile and easily injured, or cause fractures or deformities, which not only affects normal life but also affects appearance. .

2. Dental problems: Calcium is an essential element for dental health. If your dog lacks calcium, it can easily cause dental problems, including gingivitis, loose teeth, tooth loss, etc.

3. Muscle spasms: Dogs are prone to muscle spasms and twitches when they are deficient in calcium. This is because calcium plays an important role in nerve conduction and muscle contraction. In short, calcium deficiency in dogs will affect their normal function. Neuromuscular function.

4. Developmental retardation: Calcium deficiency in dogs has a great impact on growth and development, and can easily lead to delayed physical development. Dogs with calcium deficiency tend to be smaller than healthy dogs of the same age and have weaker bones.

5. Skin problems: Calcium deficiency may also cause skin problems in dogs, such as dryness, itching, dandruff or skin inflammation. Calcium is an important component for maintaining healthy skin and normal body functions of dogs. Calcium deficiency will affect the condition of their skin. All in all, calcium deficiency is more harmful to dogs. Owners should pay attention to supplementing their dogs with adequate nutrients, including calcium.

2. What to do if your dog is deficient in calcium?

If the dog is deficient in calcium, the owner can help the dog supplement calcium through the following methods:

1. Increase the lighting time. Proper sunlight exposure helps synthesize vitamin D in the body, which is also the key to calcium attraction. Therefore, if you want to supplement calcium for your dog, the owner should finally take your dog to bask in the sun more often. But owners also need to control the time their dogs spend in the sun. Avoid exposing your dog to strong sunlight or staying in the sun for too long to avoid sunburn or heatstroke.

2. A nutritious and balanced diet. Providing a nutritionally balanced diet is key to ensuring your dog’s nutrition is balanced. If the dog has insufficient calcium, the owner can choose a dog food with higher calcium content as their staple food. Or, under the guidance of a pet doctor, you can give your dog some fresh food to help replenish enough calcium faster. For example, you can give your dog calcium tablets or add some nutritional supplements to your dog’s diet according to your pet’s doctor’s instructions. In addition, owners can also make some homemade foods high in calcium to feed their dogs. For example, kelp, dried shrimps, goat milk powder, goat cheese, and soy products all contain high calcium. Therefore, owners can occasionally feed their dogs Eat some of these foods.

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