What human food can Ragdoll cats eat?

Generally, Ragdoll cats can eat meat foods, such as chicken breast, beef, lean meat, salmon or other fish, which can help supplement high-quality protein. Ragdoll cats can eat vegetables, such as cauliflower, carrots, and corn. Ragdoll cats can eat egg food, and proper feeding of ragdolls can help their hair grow better.

Can Ragdoll cats be shaved?

When raising a Ragdoll cat, daily care is very important, especially the hair cannot be combed until it is knotted.

So can Ragdoll cats be shaved?

What precautions?

1. Can Ragdoll cats be shaved? Ragdoll cats can be shaved. If you are worried about the extremely hot summer and want to shave it, in fact, this is not necessary. After all, it has its own cooling system. At the same time, it changes its fur. It will also replace all the fluff. At this time, shaving all the hair will make it unhappy. If you really want to shave it off, just use a clipper.

If it is due to a skin disease that needs to be treated with medicine, it can be shaved at this time and can grow back later.

2. Things to note when shaving a Ragdoll cat. If you want to have a good-looking shape when shaving a Ragdoll cat, it is best to trim the long hair first and then use a clipper to push it. This way the shaping will be easier. .

It is a very worried and sensitive pet. Not all Ragdoll cats will be willing to have their hair cut. If the one at home is particularly sensitive, it is best not to try it, otherwise it is likely to cause mental disorder.

In addition, before shaving, you can first see its reaction, do it slowly, and observe its emotions. If you have a strong self-esteem, it is best to shave less.

In addition, the hair on his belly should not be too short. After all, he sometimes chooses to lie on the ground. If the hair is too short, he will easily catch a cold, and ultimately it will be more troublesome to treat the cold.

If it is caused by a skin disease, the hair cannot be shaved too short.

The above is an introduction to the shaving of Ragdoll cats. Although it can be shaved, there are many precautions, so special attention must be paid to avoid adverse effects.

Can Ragdoll cats be taken out for a walk?

Ragdoll cats cannot be taken out for a walk, because Ragdoll cats are suitable for raising indoors. Taking them out for a walk may cause the Ragdoll cat to have a stress reaction and affect the cat’s health. It is also a taboo for raising Ragdoll cats. In addition, when raising Ragdoll cats, it is also taboo not to clean the cat litter in time, groom the cat from time to time, and feed it human food.


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