What things dogs can’t eat

Compared with cats, dogs are more omnivorous animals, but not everything is suitable for dogs to eat. minipetguide has specially compiled a list of high-risk foods for dogs. Dog owners should pay special attention to keeping them out of reach of dogs!


I believe that many poop collectors are most familiar with chocolate. The toxic ingredient in chocolate is theobromine. Humans can easily metabolize it, but cats and dogs metabolize it much slower. If they consume too much, they will easily Accumulation in the body reaches toxic levels. Dogs with theobromine poisoning will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, and in severe cases, convulsions, internal bleeding, and heart disease.


Xylitol can be said to be more lethal to dogs than chocolate. Xylitol is generally found in chewing gum, human toothpaste, cakes, etc. Many people choose sugar-free desserts when buying desserts, but often use xylitol instead of sugar-free. Once a dog accidentally eats xylitol, it can cause a large amount of insulin to be released and blood sugar to drop rapidly, causing vomiting, cramps, liver disease and acute liver failure. Excessive ingestion can cause death.

3. Onions

Foods represented by alliums include onions and garlic. Both of these are irritating foods for dogs. Ingestion of onions will destroy the dog’s red blood cells and cause acute hemolytic anemia. Generally, dogs will have blood in their urine. , decreased appetite, weakness, and shortness of breath.

4. Fruits

Grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs, pineapples can cause diarrhea and dehydration in dogs, and avocado peels and cores can cause poisoning in dogs. Fruit seeds and cores contain cyanide, which will be released when a dog bites the seeds. If the dog eats the seeds, it will cause cyanide poisoning. The toxicity of cyanide can be fatal within a few minutes.

5. Cooked stick bones

Artificially processed rod bones will become extremely sharp and can easily scratch the dog’s mouth and digestive tract if ingested. If you want to give your dog bones, try to choose raw stick bones. Raw stick bones can help dogs grind their teeth and replenish calcium.

In fact, there are still many things that dogs cannot eat, but the above foods can be regarded as high-risk foods for dogs, and they are foods that dogs cannot touch without touching them. It is recommended that lactose-containing milk, alcoholic and caffeinated foods should not be given to dogs.

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