What will happen if your dog eats low-quality dog ​​food for a long time?

Low-quality dog ​​food may lack the nutrients your dog needs and may contain too much salt, sugar, additives and other ingredients. Long-term consumption of low-quality dog ​​food may cause a series of negative health effects. For example, diarrhea, malnutrition, increased burden on the liver and kidneys, hair loss and dry skin, obesity, dental caries, etc. Therefore, in order to ensure the health of your dog, you should choose high-quality dog ​​food to feed your dog. High-quality dog ​​food should contain sufficient and balanced nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, etc. The protein content should be within About 25%-30% is better, the fat content is 14%-17%, and the salt content cannot exceed 0.8%.

Some pet owners may feed their dogs some cheaper dog food in order to reduce expenses. The production source of these dog food is unknown, the ingredient list is unclear, and the fragrance is strong. If you eat it for a short time, you may not see any problems, but if you feed it for a long time, It can easily have a serious impact on the dog’s health.

1. What will happen if your dog eats low-quality dog ​​food for a long time?

Low-quality dog ​​food may lack the nutrients your dog needs and may contain too much salt, sugar, additives and other ingredients. Long-term consumption of low-quality dog ​​food may cause a series of negative health effects. Some of these negative impacts include:

1. Diarrhea: Low-quality dog ​​food usually contains low-quality protein and carbohydrates. These substances may cause digestive system discomfort and lead to problems such as diarrhea and diarrhea in dogs .

2. Malnutrition: Low-quality dog ​​food usually lacks high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that dogs need, which may lead to malnutrition in dogs and affect their health and growth.

3. Increased burden on the liver and kidneys: Long-term intake of dog food with high levels of chemicals and additives may put a burden on the dog’s liver and kidneys, leading to health problems.

4. Hair loss and dry skin: Long-term consumption of low-quality dog ​​food may cause severe hair loss , dry and dull hair, and increase the risk of skin diseases.

5. Obesity problem: Inferior dog food may contain higher calories and sugar, which may lead to dog obesity and related health problems, such as diabetes, joint diseases, etc.

6. Dental problems: Inferior dog food may contain too much sugar and additives, which may lead to yellowing of the dog’s teeth, dental caries and other problems.

2. How to choose high-quality dog ​​food?

Choosing high-quality dog ​​food is very important because it has a direct impact on the health and longevity of your dog. Here are some ways to choose a quality dog ​​food:

1. Nutritional ratio: High-quality dog ​​food should contain sufficient and balanced nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Among them, the protein content should be around 25%-30%, the fat content should be 14%-17%, and the salt content should not exceed 0.8%.

2. Raw materials: The raw materials of dog food should come from fresh, high-quality meat and other natural ingredients, not processed foods or additives. And the raw materials need to be clearly labeled. For example, if the meat is beef, chicken or duck, it should not simply say meat.

3. Taste: High-quality dog ​​food should taste good and interest the dog, but the fragrance should not be too strong, otherwise a lot of flavors may be added.

4. Avoid additives: Some cheap dog food will add a lot of artificial additives, such as preservatives and colorings. These additives may have adverse effects on your dog’s health. Therefore, it is better to choose dog food without additives.

5. Brand reputation: Choosing dog food from well-known brands can ensure the quality and safety of dog food.

6. User evaluation: You can refer to the evaluation and feedback of other dog owners on dog food to understand the quality and effect of dog food.

In short, choosing high-quality dog ​​food can lay a solid foundation for your dog’s health and longevity. If you have any questions about how to choose dog food, it is recommended to consult a professional pet doctor or nutritionist.

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